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Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (PECVD) system for depositing a-Si, SiO2 and Si3N4 films. A semiautomatic system with manual sample loading. Deposition process is automated.

Key Features and Accessories:

A 13.56 MHz driven parallel plate reactor with heated substrate electrode and automatic matching unit between RF generator and the reactor. Process gases are SiH4, N2O, NH3, N2, He, and CH4. The system has a Roots pump to maintain high gas flow during processing.

Key Specifications:

Non-uniformity over 100 mm < 5 %  
Working pressure range 100 - 2000 mTorr  
Substrate temperature 100 - 380°C  
Typical deposition rate of: a-Si 9 nm/min
  SiO2 65 nm/min
  Si3N4 25 nm/min

Substrate Size:

Up to 240 mm, optimized for 100 mm

Allowed Materials:

Si, SiO2, Si3N4, some metals, semiconductors and glasses (ask main user).

Forbidden Materials:

Most of polymers (ask main user), sticky, powder and liquid materials.

License and training!!!

The tool training is given on the 2-nd Tuesday of every month, at 10:00. Contact a main user to confirm your participation.

Tool name:
PECVD Plasmalab F10
M2 F10 Plasma
Oxford Instruments
Plasmalab 80Plus Oxford Instruments


Licensed Users

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