Four type of tanks are available for different kind of use:
General HF (allowed materials: metals)
Clean HF (allowed materials: Si3N4, Al2O3, SOG, PSG)
Ultraclean HF (allowed materials: SiO2)
Si etch (allowed materials: Si)
Work instructions:
General HF
- Check PESO what is solution made by previous user.
- If you need a fresh solution, empty General tank by pressing "HF Tank" -button. The HF drain will be open 3.5 min and this will empty the tank even it has been full
- Rinse the tank with DI water
- Make a new solution and mark it to PESO
Clean HF, Ultraclean HF and Si etch:
- Use aspiratorn to empty tanks. Rinse tanks after use.
Quick Rinse Dump:
- Turn on the DIW switch and fill the rinse dump
- Put a wafer casette into the rinse dump
- Press the Rinse DIW spray & dump button. This will start a sequence which empty and fill the tank 3 times with spraying DI-water.
- Switch off the Rinse DIW
If Quick rins dump logic goes wrong (DIW keep on running), just start it from beginning and let the whole rinsing loop step pass through. Then the logic start to work normally (as coded) again.